A New World

Hi Everyone

How appropriate the title is. We all are now living in a new world. The rules have changed. Some of us have never practiced social distancing and now social distancing has become a part of our every day lives. Most of us have lived in self and mandatory quarantine since mid March. Many of us thought nothing of going to the supermarket and now we think differently. As most of us know, the New York City area has been hit particularly hard. Every afternoon I would watch the local news and found it hard to believe what I was seeing.

We were scheduled to go to Uganda and Kenya in mid June. That trip has been postponed to the same dates in 2021. Our September Vietnam trip was also postponed to 2021, but I can not go on that trip. The last few days overlap with my October 2021 to Madagascar and Kenya. Our October Namibia trip has not been cancelled nor postponed yet. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

I have entered a new perspective with my photography. Starting last weekend, I decided to go out and shoot for a few hours each weekend. I needed to reconnect with my camera, Photography helps me balance my mind and exercise the creative part of my brain. I find it harder to seek and look for images in locations that I am familiar with. I keep on remembering that beauty is found everywhere. You just have to find it. I also need to explore new local locations. I just posted my first pandemic image to my instagram account. Please view it at larryblau1949.

I plan on publishing new images onto the website over the next few months.

Stay Safe



1 thought on “A New World”

  1. Doing the same thing, Larry. Using my iPhone as well. Finding a great deal to photograph in the Amherst,, Mass area. Good idea to keep your photography skillset from crumbling to ashes!!!

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