Galapagos Day 5

Hi Everyone

Last night I laid down at about 10:30 and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. A photography workshop is hard work. You always get up very early and am constantly using the creative part of your brain. 
That said, we were given one half hour more to sleep and were woken up at 6:30. We then ate breakfast and were told that the Pangas were leaving at 8:30 for either kayaking or snorkeling from the Pangas. I was so tired that I decided to stay on the yacht and work on my techniques in lightroom. Had some more coffee and took a nap. Everyone returned at 10:30 and the snorkeling people told me that they had seen penguins swimming all around them. I felt disappointed that I had not experienced this, but I needed some time to mope around. 

At 11:30 Lisa gave a one hour lecture on Charles Darwin. He came from a wealthy family and went to numerous schools during his early years. He was the second choice to go on the voyage of the SS Beagle. One of his mentors could not go and recommend him. The voyage was for five years and went around the entire globe. Darwin would take side trips by himself. The SS Beagle’s visit to the Galapagos was towards the end of the voyage. The voyage started in 1836 and finished in 1841. Darwin never left Britain again. He documented the voyage and gave lectures for the rest of his life. 

We had finally arrived back at Baltra. This is where we had landed and started our journey. The yacht needed to refuel and the only place to refuel is there. 

After lunch it was time for some more rest and relaxation. I needed the moping time to recharge

At 3 PM we all boarded the Pangas for a visit to Mosquera Inlet. This inlet is located between the islands of Baltra and North Seymour. We did a wet landing on a reef of lava rocks and coral. Pablo told us that this reef was formed due to an uprising. This was a favorite area for sea lions and their pups. They were sleeping in the sun all over the coral reef. One important concept to remember is try not to take pictures that anyone can take. Try to make your pictures unique. I search for that and am constantly honing my eye trying to find those unique situations. An example is on this location.  Anyone can take pictures of sea lions, but what can you do to make your pictures unique? You have to try to capture images of the sea lions interacting or finding some that have a special relationship. Also, try to bring your image into where you are taking it. That is difficult sometimes. An example of that is taking a picture of a marine iguana. Everyone who comes to the Galapagos takes pictures of marine iguanas, but to catch one entering the water is much more unique. That further explains where the picture was taken since marine iguanas only exist in the Galapagos. My photography has reached this level. I know enough technically, but the ability to compose and make your photography unique is an ongoing process that never reaches a goal and you are constantly learning. I captured some great pictures of some sea lion pups playing with each other. I am my worst critic and am always being too selective. Olivia helps me and that. 

We boarded our Pangas for the trip back to the yacht. How I have fallen in love with the creatures that call the Galapagos their home. They are all so unique and to be given the opportunity to see them in the wild has always been a dream of mine. 

After dinner with Andy and Lisa sat with us helping us on our editing skills. They both have the patience of saints. Everyone has their own style and technique and I absorb so much from learning from them and others. 

Tomorrow is a fun day of activity as our journey is drawing to a close. 
Talk to everyone tomorrow. 


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